Monday, December 23, 2013

Favorites of 2013

Good Afternoon, Happy Christmas Eve Eve!


This month I share my favorites from the last twelve months.  This year was an especially memorable one filled with plenty of change - ups and downs, strikes and gutters - and Daddyhood!  I'm thankful for all of it and hope this year brought you what you envisioned, along with a few surprises.  Marleigh wishes you all a Merry (Instagrammed) Christmas & Happy New Year!     

I am extremely fortunate to be out every day with an eclectic group of people and business cultures.  I’m always interested to hear about what others are reading about, listening to, experiencing, and just flat-out DOING.  And personally I’m always up for a good tangent if it piques my curiosity. 

With that in mind, this monthly digest reflects my latest findings – new music obsessions, interesting ideas I've been exposed to, helpful sales tips, Chicagoland points of interest, and a brief update about the work I've been up to.  I hope these snippets are of interest to you or someone you know, and offer a quick reprise from the driving force of everyday life.  I appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and replies - as well as taking time out to enjoy it.

Favorite Sales Ideas & Practices

"Emotional Intelligence" continues to be a hot topic in the sales field and overall human interaction.  Lots of articles out there; I like this one on Job Success.   

Stop the sales pitch, start a conversation. (This article is by Geoff James - follow him on LinkedIn this year for more great sales tips)

Follow these tips for networking success. 

What are the Favorite things I'm Up To?

Sales Empowerment Group – This year was highlighted by our move into the Willis Tower for our new division, Sales University Group.  There is aHUGE trend in the move to inside sales - we have the infrastructure built to launch new sales initiatives quickly and keep costs fixed.

Precision Payroll – 2013 marked 30 YEARS in business - we still have our first employee and first client working together.  A true testament to the loyalty earned every payroll done by a hard-working team in Oakbrook Terrace.  Also a new site this year!     

Favorite Random Joy

A 186-mph wind can contort your face into some memorable, laughable images.  

Spring will be here soon (right?) and here is a wonderful suggestion...  Have a meeting - take a walk!

Favorite Chicagoland

Watch Harry Caray interview Bill Murray back in 1988.  This year was the 25th anniversary of the lights coming on at Wrigley.

This meticulously-edited, Lego-ized version of one of my favorite scenes, from one of my favorite Chicago-based movies made me go home and watch the movie that night.  

Favorite Music

This is my favorite time of year to digest new music; streaming albums (free) on SPOTIFY has become my listening mode.  This may be the first year since I was 14 years old that I didn't buy a single CD.  I came pretty close to not even downloading anything.  Technology enables music to be made easier, more accessible, and in turn harder to keep up with than ever before.

Here are a couple year-end best-of lists from my favorite critics: Bob Boilen from NPR and locally, the Boys from Sound Opinions.  I'll vouch forTyphoon (13-piece west coast rhythmic rock), Langhorne Slim (Rollicking Storyteller), Jake Bugg (Up-and-Coming Brit Rocker), and Nick Waterhouse(Think...Madmen).

Favorite Quotes

Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery. – Dr. Joyce Brothers (1928 - )

Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not. – Thomas Henry Huxley

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. – Herm Albright (1876-1944)

The time to stop talking is when the other person nods his head affirmatively but says nothing. – Henry S. Haskins

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)(attributed)

Love that last one - so true!  I hope you enjoyed the newsletter and found something of value for yourself or someone you know.  Again, I appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and referrals that so many of you have shared with me.  Enjoy the rest of your holiday celebrations and I wish you mostly Ups and Strikes for 2014!  

Monday, December 9, 2013

When You're Offbeat, Take 3 Minutes and Do This

My old man was in sales for 30 years and he hustled.  He would come home at the end of the day absolutely exhausted.  He would have to be "On" all day while in front of prospects and clients.  I can finally appreciate where he was coming from! 

In July 2000 he passed away, and when I finally had the will to clean out his desk, I found this piece of paper (pictured above).  Though I found many things, this particular suggestion has stayed with me - pinned to every cork-board, at every cubicle, where I've ever made a cold-call.  

Take Five Deep Breaths
On the Fifth Breath Hold and Count Down 5 4 3 2 1
Close Your Eyes, and Then Count Down From 50 to 1
Then Count 1 2 3 and I am Wide Awake

With a beautiful new daughter at home, and a never-ending to-do list, my life continues to propel faster and faster.  I'm guessing I'm not alone here, right?  Everybody is running at break-neck speeds these days (not to mention with their heads down, transfixed in technology). 

Next time you feel off your rhythm; you feel rushed, anxious, or just got hung up on by another prospect - take 3 minutes and try it.  During that 50 to 1 countdown allow yourself to stop, listen, be grateful, and refresh.  I encourage you to start working it into your daily routine (Disclaimer: I've tried this when I first wake up, but it just puts me back to sleep).

Enjoy the holidays, keep working hard, and remember to breathe!