Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Favorites of 2014 - BLINK!

Another year, another dozen newsletters, 583 hours of surfing the web, and countless people & moments for which to be grateful.  I say it every month, but I am genuinely thankful to be out every day meeting & collaborating with such an eclectic cast of characters (like you), who inspire me to learn more, work hard, and embrace my career.  I'm thankful for my awesome family - my amazing wife, who is starting her own new-parent education business, and for this ornery one pictured, who knows she's not supposed be touching those ornaments (but knows she's too cute for me to really do too much about it).  

2014 wraps up my fifth year of this newsletter!  The masses have spoken/clicked/commented, and I am happy to share my best finds of the year.  If you're looking for some last-minute (free) Christmas ideas, re-purpose the links below to "gift" that special friend, client, prospect, or colleague with something new.  

As always, this monthly digest reflects my best new sales & business ideas, Chicagoland happenings, must-listen new music, and other things that caught my eye along the way.  I always appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and ideas  - as well as taking time to enjoy it.

Featured Charity

Illinois Fatherhood Initiative -
 I am honored and excited to join the Board of Directors for this organization.  Their mission is to actively engage fathers in the education of their children.  Beyond that, they help the over 1,000,000 fatherless households in IL. (New website will be launched in Q1!)

(Favorite) Sales Beat
What do you look for in a good sales rep?  These Eight Things are spot-on.  I'll add a ninth - excellent written/verbal skills.  When evaluating potential candidates keep an eye open for red flags...  Do they speak with proper grammar?  Are their follow-up emails well-composed?  Perhaps have them prepare and present a one-page proposal on your services as part of the interview process. 
Here are my two most-read blog posts of the year: 
Lastly, subscribe to Seth Godin's blog - it's so good.  Here is his year-end list of best books & audio (many business-related). 

Favorite Things I'm Up To

I have a few speaking engagements to kick off 2015.  On Tuesday, January 13th I'll speaking at a Founding Mom's Exchange sharing ideas on sales and finding prospects.  If you or some mompreneur you know may be interested, please see more information here.  Later in January and February, I'll be doing seminars at tech incubator 1871 on building your pipeline and using LinkedIn as a sales generator.

Another favorite thing?  My daughter is playing with blocks and matchbox cars.  I am 3 years-old again.    

(Favorite) Random Joy

Of all the blogposts I read this year, nothing stopped me in my tracks more than this synopsis of The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware.  As we roll into next year, these are stark reminders to help re-focus you on what is really important.   

33 ideas to keep your kids busy (indoor or outdoor) - we used #11 with Marleigh and she LOVES it.  If we get another polar vortex, this list will be printed and put on the fridge.    

This man does things with paper that you never thought were even imaginable, let alone possible.  So cool.  

(Favorite) Chicagoland

Not sure if it's part of the new Wrigley bleacher expansion, but perhaps due to this video they'll consider putting in a pool.

We were all enthralled (and frozen) by the vortex last winter.  Let's hope it's not a repeat - here are a few pictures in case you forgot how insane it truly was... 

(Favorite) Music 

With best-of lists abound, this is the best time of year to discover new music.  I have compiled my favorite new bands of 2014 into one playlist for your listening pleasure.  Play it here on Spotify - enjoy! 

The coolest version of Hallelujah I have ever heard and seen (skip to the 2:37 mark to be totally blown away). 

(Favorite) Quotes

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Sir Frances Baron (1561-1626)

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.  Action always generates inspiration.  Inspiration seldom generates action.  - Frank Tibolt 

He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met. - Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy. - Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. - Maya Angelou (1928-2014)

That's a wrap - hope you enjoyed and found something of value for yourself or someone you know.  I appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and introductions that so many of you have shared with me over the years. We are off to California for the week - woo-hoo!  Merry Christmas!

Thanks for your support in 2014!