Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 2015 - Whistling, Neighborhoods, Clean Water, and Sales!

Good Morning, Happy Thursday!

New Year's resolutions: Are yours still riding co-pilot?  Or are they in the rear-view?  I've personally had mixed results...  I was a vegetarian for like 4 days straight, but that was more of an accident than a resolution.  I have worked out a few times, but not at 5:30AM like I envisioned ( people really do that?!  Props if you're one of them.)

Professional resolutions are going a bit better, and I'll discuss more below.  As far as the palm trees go, they are courtesy of sunny LA where I spent Christmas.  I just like being reminded...

I feel blessed to be out every day meeting an eclectic group of people and businesses.  This monthly digest reflects my journey through sharing new sales & business ideas, Chicagoland happenings, new music for your soundtrack, and other things that caught my eye along the way.  I always appreciate your replies, thoughts, and ideas  - as well as taking time out to enjoy it.  

Featured Charity

Tix4Cause - as an avid concert-goer, I love this site.  This fast-growing locally-based ticket site should be your go-to spot to buy tickets to any event.  If you are involved with any type of charity or non-profit, Tix4cause could become an extremely powerful partner.    

Sales Beat
For many sales professionals, email is the main form of prospect/client communication.  Honing this skill will show that you are educated and respect people's time.  Your message must be distilled, while assuring understanding and promoting action.  Here are 10 tips/reminders that I agree with across the board.   
"I hate change" is one of the most popular cop-out objections heard when selling any service.  For many, hard to disagree with this sentiment.  But in professional selling, you must find a way to help people embrace transformation.  I took some time to debate the idea of change on this blogpost, hosted by my friends at Black Jade Creative.

Finally, from Jill Konrath - Five Steps to Better Referral Selling.  If you prefer cold-calling, don't read this article.   

What I'm Up To

I spent Christmas out in California with my family.  It was the first time I've been out of the Midwest for the holidays, and it was weird eating Christmas dinner outside, but no complaints.  While visiting the beaches of Malibu, my daughter helped me realize a New Year's resolution that I have kept.  I'm getting inspired more and creative juices are flowing.  I wrote more about those ideas here.  

In 2014, I found myself also doing a number of LinkedIn profile re-writes.  After extremely positive feedback, I'm offering rewrites as a business service.  When you or your company are ready for a "tune-up" contact me for details about the process and related costs.

Random Joy

What's Bill Gates up to these days?  Well, if you're the bitter type because you don't have his billions, you'll be happy to hear he's up to his eyeballs in crap.  That's right - he's helped fund & design something that turns feces into water.  Pretty much a machine that will change the world.  Well done, Bill... This (2 min) video is jaw-dropping.

For those feeling tired today and/or in need of a little exhilaration....  This is the craziest bike race I've ever seen.  I suggest watching in full-screen - this video took my breath away a few times.  


Since moving to Chicago, I've lived in Roscoe Village, Palmer Square, Humboldt Park, Ravenswood Gardens, and Lincoln Square.  Perhaps an average number for someone with 14 years under his belt here.  Thanks to this article, I found out their namesake origins, along with 100+ other Chicagoland hoods.

Have you ever been to Moto Restaurant in the Randolph District?  I have not had the chance, but it is now on my to-do list after watching this fascinating TED Talk about their chefs.  They give patrons a culinary brain freeze with their outlandish presentations that twist all five senses, delivering a memorable experience. 


Playlist I am hooked on the music player Spotify and excited that I can now build virtual mix tapes.  My latest mix is "Whistling Tunes", which are inherently happy.  This will help you get through the next month (or three) of gray...take a listen! 

Drumming Clip - every budding young drummer's dream...a flying drum-set.  


No man ever listened himself out of a job. - Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933)  

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. - Sir Richard Steele

What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence.  The only consequence is what we do.  -  John Ruskin (1819-1900)  

Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without asking a clear question. - Albert Camus

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession.  I have come realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.  - Ronald Reagan (1911 - 2004)

You know what the oldest is, RIGHT?!  I hope you enjoyed the newsletter and found something of value for yourself or someone you know.  Thank you again for your remarks, recommendations, and referrals that many of you have shared.  Go listen to those whistling tunes and think Spring!  

Tony Lenhart | | 773.991.4236

Action Generates Inspiration!