Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 2015 - Cubs, Dad Jokes, The Winning Edge, Pumpkins - and SALES!

Good morning, Happy Tuesday! 

It just so happens that last month I referenced Back to the Future II with the arrival of hover boards.  Well, that movie also predicted something that happens in the year 2015 that seems unheard of - The Cubbies winning the world series.  The city is holding it's collective breathe as they make a go of it.  As my good buddy likes to say, "I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'..."  #LetsGo #FlyTheW

I'm fortunate to be out every day meeting an eclectic group of people and businesses.  This monthly digest reflects my journey through sharing new sales & business ideas, Chicagoland happenings, new music for your soundtrack, and other things that caught my eye along the way.  I always appreciate your replies, thoughts, and ideas  - as well as taking time out to enjoy it.  

Featured Charity

The Remix Project was created to help level the playing field for young people from disadvantaged, marginalized, and under-served communities. Their programs and services assist youth who are aspiring to enter into creative industries (Check out their academies) or further their formal education. They provide top-notch alternative, creative, educational programs, facilitators and facilities.  I'll be a fundraiser for them on Saturday, Oct 10th - consider joining for this unique event- tickets here

Sales Beat

Early in my career, my dad gave me a 6-cassette tape set from Brian Tracy - one of the top sales trainers from the modern era.  One of the principles that always stuck with me is his idea of the "winning edge" - the best sales people do all the little things that add up to a HUGE difference.

Most of us have struggled with those "pause words" in our vocab - Um, uhhh, aaaand, welll (that's mine) - here are a few tips.  Additionally, avoid words that diminish the power of your message and credibility - words/phrases such as: just, literally, honestly, possibly, hoping to, wondering if.  Those phrases will immediately put you down a notch in the eyes of your prospect.  

What I'm Up ToONLINE EVENT: Next Tuesday, Oct 6th, I'm giving an online webinar on Leveraging LinkedIn.  This is a free event via Big Marker and hosted by locally-based digital marketing agency Paradigm Next.  I will cover top to bottom my thoughts on the profile and then offer specific tactics, verbiage, and etiquette I've successfully used to build a powerful network.  REGISTRATION HERE

: The following Tuesday afternoon, Oct 13th, I'm excited to participate in Brew Your Skill, founded by my friends at HFI Consulting.  I will be co-presenting ideas on how to open more relationships and close more sales.  And if the name didn't give it away... Yes.  It's at a brewery (like I said - my friends).  Limited seats & beers - TICKETS HERE(If you'd like to attend, send me an email and I have a small handful of discount codes to pass out)

Off Beat

Lindsay keeps accusing me of telling "dad jokes" - I guess it was inevitable.  Here is a funny PSA-style ad from children affected by the lame jokes their fathers have told. 

This is visually-impressive article depicts how social change sweeps across America.  As recreational marijuana begins to make it's footprint, it  uniquely shows the speed of adoption around issues such as women's rights, prohibition, abortion, and others.    


Tis' the season - here's a list of the best pumpkin patches around Chicagoland. 


Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats - that's right.  If you like music, you'll enjoy this.  Don't ask, just listen or watch from their appearance on Conan earlier this month! 

Drumming Clip - Progressive jazz group Mahavishnu Orchestra was introduced to me when I was in college.  Their drummer, Billy Cobham, is still one of my favorites to this day.  Watch him jam here.


If you don't know where you're going, you will probably end up somewhere else. - Laurence J. Peter (1919-1988) 

Beware of no man more than yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us. - G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems. - John W. Gardner (1912-2002) 

The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. - Sydney J. Harris

Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities.  Truth isn't.  - Mark Twain (1835-1910) (*Is that saying Back to the Future II is wrong about the Cubbies?!)

I hope you enjoyed the newsletter and found something of value - forward on to a friend if you did.  I always welcome and appreciate your replies, web recommendations, and referrals.  Have a great week, see you next month - Go Cubs!   

Tony Lenhart | tony@salesempowermentgroup.com | 773.991.4236

Action Generates Inspiration!

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