Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Favorites of 2014 - BLINK!

Another year, another dozen newsletters, 583 hours of surfing the web, and countless people & moments for which to be grateful.  I say it every month, but I am genuinely thankful to be out every day meeting & collaborating with such an eclectic cast of characters (like you), who inspire me to learn more, work hard, and embrace my career.  I'm thankful for my awesome family - my amazing wife, who is starting her own new-parent education business, and for this ornery one pictured, who knows she's not supposed be touching those ornaments (but knows she's too cute for me to really do too much about it).  

2014 wraps up my fifth year of this newsletter!  The masses have spoken/clicked/commented, and I am happy to share my best finds of the year.  If you're looking for some last-minute (free) Christmas ideas, re-purpose the links below to "gift" that special friend, client, prospect, or colleague with something new.  

As always, this monthly digest reflects my best new sales & business ideas, Chicagoland happenings, must-listen new music, and other things that caught my eye along the way.  I always appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and ideas  - as well as taking time to enjoy it.

Featured Charity

Illinois Fatherhood Initiative -
 I am honored and excited to join the Board of Directors for this organization.  Their mission is to actively engage fathers in the education of their children.  Beyond that, they help the over 1,000,000 fatherless households in IL. (New website will be launched in Q1!)

(Favorite) Sales Beat
What do you look for in a good sales rep?  These Eight Things are spot-on.  I'll add a ninth - excellent written/verbal skills.  When evaluating potential candidates keep an eye open for red flags...  Do they speak with proper grammar?  Are their follow-up emails well-composed?  Perhaps have them prepare and present a one-page proposal on your services as part of the interview process. 
Here are my two most-read blog posts of the year: 
Lastly, subscribe to Seth Godin's blog - it's so good.  Here is his year-end list of best books & audio (many business-related). 

Favorite Things I'm Up To

I have a few speaking engagements to kick off 2015.  On Tuesday, January 13th I'll speaking at a Founding Mom's Exchange sharing ideas on sales and finding prospects.  If you or some mompreneur you know may be interested, please see more information here.  Later in January and February, I'll be doing seminars at tech incubator 1871 on building your pipeline and using LinkedIn as a sales generator.

Another favorite thing?  My daughter is playing with blocks and matchbox cars.  I am 3 years-old again.    

(Favorite) Random Joy

Of all the blogposts I read this year, nothing stopped me in my tracks more than this synopsis of The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware.  As we roll into next year, these are stark reminders to help re-focus you on what is really important.   

33 ideas to keep your kids busy (indoor or outdoor) - we used #11 with Marleigh and she LOVES it.  If we get another polar vortex, this list will be printed and put on the fridge.    

This man does things with paper that you never thought were even imaginable, let alone possible.  So cool.  

(Favorite) Chicagoland

Not sure if it's part of the new Wrigley bleacher expansion, but perhaps due to this video they'll consider putting in a pool.

We were all enthralled (and frozen) by the vortex last winter.  Let's hope it's not a repeat - here are a few pictures in case you forgot how insane it truly was... 

(Favorite) Music 

With best-of lists abound, this is the best time of year to discover new music.  I have compiled my favorite new bands of 2014 into one playlist for your listening pleasure.  Play it here on Spotify - enjoy! 

The coolest version of Hallelujah I have ever heard and seen (skip to the 2:37 mark to be totally blown away). 

(Favorite) Quotes

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Sir Frances Baron (1561-1626)

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.  Action always generates inspiration.  Inspiration seldom generates action.  - Frank Tibolt 

He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met. - Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy. - Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. - Maya Angelou (1928-2014)

That's a wrap - hope you enjoyed and found something of value for yourself or someone you know.  I appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and introductions that so many of you have shared with me over the years. We are off to California for the week - woo-hoo!  Merry Christmas!

Thanks for your support in 2014!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 2014 - My New Book, Time-Lapses, Upside-Down Drums, and Sales!

Good Morning, Happy Tuesday!


I am looking forward to my favorite meal of the year this Friday - Thanksgiving leftovers.  Like a 
good chili, T-giving fare is always better the next day, when reheated properly.  My mom's secret weapon?  Her cast iron skillet.- combining turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green beans, and corn - melding the flavors together as they simmer in gravy.  I can't suggest this technique strongly enough...  Oh my goodness... Can't.  Wait. 


I feel blessed to be out every day meeting an eclectic group of people and businesses.  This monthly digest reflects my journey through sharing new sales & business ideas, Chicagoland happenings, must-listen new music, and other things that caught my eye along the way.  I always appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and ideas  - as well as taking time to enjoy and share it.

Featured Client

Mediatech Living - these guys are making technology easy through home automation.  Their systems enable you to control your home lighting, audio/visual, climate and more through a single button push on your smartphone.  View some of their amazing projects on Houzz.  

Sales Beat
Sales can be a roller-coaster ride of deals won & lost, appointments made or cancelled, and partnerships strengthened or diminished.  Sales people have to stay mentally tough throughout the unforeseen hourly, daily, and weekly challenges.   Here are seven mantras to help you stay the course.  
Now that I've added "Dad" to my list of titles, I appreciate now more than ever the old saying that Time is Money.  This article on Managing your Time is one of the best I've read in a long time.  It provides easy to implement ideas, along with plenty of supporting text/video for an information-packed blog post.  

What I'm Up To

I'm excited to share a new book, which I was fortunate to co-author with a fellow group of writers and entrepreneurs.  The Book - by Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs reviews all aspects of launching and growing a successful business.  In the chapter on Sales, I share battle-tested tactics, best practices and strategy on how to get it done.  A special thanks to Joel Goldblatt for executing on his vision of the book (now on Amazon)!  

Random Joy

Science has spoken - we now know the two keys to a lasting relationship.  Kindness and generosity.  I totally buy that.  This is an enjoyable article that breaks down the facts.  It has me thinking now, how do we best apply those two traits to make lasting business relationships?  I welcome your ideas! 

Since childhood, we have been told that we are unique - that we all have something to offer this lifetime.  This video explores the idea of Vemodalen the fear that everything has already been done.  Enjoy the powerful message and the lesson in emotional intelligence.


Here is a stunning time-lapse of our beautiful city that took two years to curate.  There are some angles of the city that I have never seen before - cool stuff.  


Immigrant Union - 
two guys met at a bar in Australia and the rest is history.  This group from down under combines sing-along lyrics, foot-stomps, and hand-claps to create some infectious tunes.  Check out their single, War is Peace.  

Monthly Drumming Clip -  this guy invented a 'drum wheel' and it's impressive to watch him drum up, down, and sideways on his home-made contraption.  


Knowledge is power, if you know it about the right person.  - Ethel Mumford

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.  Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.  It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.  Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.  -  Dr. Seuss (1904-1991)  

If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much.  - Donald H Rumsfeld

Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

I hope you enjoyed the newsletter and found something of value for yourself or someone you know.  Again, I appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and introductions that so many of you have shared with me. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends! 

Tony Lenhart | tony@salesempowermentgroup.com | 773.991.4236

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 2014 - Rubbermaid, Speed Reading, Email Subject Lines, & Sales!

Good Morning, Happy Thursday!


Not sure if Halloween counts as 'kicking off the holiday season', but in my home it rings true.  So begins the barrage of multi-colored, duct-tape-labeled Rubbermaid containers from the various storage areas, and the decorating commences!  Thanks to her Pinterest addiction, Lindsay gets wildly creative with pumpkins & candy corn, into pilgrims & cornucopias, into wreaths & reindeer, plus an assortment of scented candles that will last us until St Patty's Day.  I simply nod my head in approval and soak up all the festiveness. 

I am lucky to interact with an eclectic group of people and businesses in my work.  This monthly digest reflects that diversity and the things I love - new sales & business ideas, music, Chicagoland happenings, and other things that get me in the groove.

I hope you find value, interest, and a laugh, as well as a quick breather from the driving force of your busy life.  I always appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and ideas  - as well as taking time to enjoy and share it.

Sales Beat

I get asked this question quite a bit....'What makes a great sales person?'.  I've always felt success lies in a combination of practicing good habits in conjunction with a positive attitude.  And I unquestionably agree with this shortlist of characteristics as well. 

Yesware is a cool little tool to use to see if people are actually reading your emails; if you use Google it's a simple add-on.  Due to all the information they capture, they also released this helpful blogpost related to another common question I receive... What should I put as the subject of this email

What I'm Up To

Sales Empowerment Group - on Wednesday, Nov 5th I'll be giving a lunch'n'learn session on LinkedIn.  It is being hosted by my friends at Des Plaines Office Equipment at their office - equipped with some of the coolest presentation technology available.  Free lunch, invaluable information - you can RSVP @ events@dpoe.com

Precision Payroll - tis the season to shop payroll service!  If you're in the shopping mood, drop me a line.  I can help evaluate your current situation and offer some insights on whether or not you have the best solution in place for your business.  

Random Joy

I was lucky to visit the Swiss Alps back in 2000 and rode down a few passes on a sled.  Some people are even braver and view them from a different angle; these pictures make me equally jealous and dizzy.   

I've always been fascinated by people who can speed read.  With as much reading as I do for work, it's a skill I've always wanted to acquire.  This article gave some very helpful, easy-to-implement tips on how to start doing it.  


Bill Murray is one of Chicago's most prized hometown heroes.  He has this amazing way about him and and that's why I love this article that offers some practical & applicable wisdom: 7 Steps to Leading a Bill Murray Life (by Bill Murray).  


J Roddy Walston & The Business - attention rock fans...good 'ol gritty southern rock - part gospel, part Led Zeppelin.  They have a live show that will someday be selling out arenas.

Monthly Drumming Clip - Tony Royster Jr was a child prodigy and now is a 'session' drummer for hire (people like Jay-Z and Letterman).  Enjoy a couple minutes of him just 'goofing off' on the drumkit.  SO.  FAST.  


Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.  - Thomas H Huxley (1825-1895) 

While nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer, nothing is more difficult than to understand him. - Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881)  

I love being married.  It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.  - Rita Rudner

A man may be so much of everything that he is nothing of anything.  - Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life.  I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy - I mean that if you are happy you will be good.   Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)

I hope you enjoyed the newsletter and found something of value for yourself or someone you know.  Again, I appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and introductions that so many of you have shared with me.  

Tony Lenhart | tony@salesempowermentgroup.com | 773.991.4236


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 2014 - Action, Orange, Pirates, and Sales!

Good Afternoon, Happy Wednesday!


"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." - Frank Tibolt

This quote, from last month's newsletter, has been stuck in my head.  I am surrounded by action - not only in my life, but through my colleagues, friends, and family.  Some talk about ideas...it's always cooler when I see those people take steps to make them real.   My personal challenge lies now with prioritizing my actions while keeping my personal and professional roles balanced.  I try to remember that even baby steps are progress.  So how about you?  What actions are you working on?

I am lucky to interact with an eclectic group of people and businesses in my work.  This monthly digest reflects that diversity and the things I love - new sales & business ideas, music, Chicagoland happenings, and other things that get me in the groove.

I hope you find value, interest, and a laugh, as well as a quick breather from the driving force of your busy life.  I always appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and ideas  - as well as taking time to enjoy and share it.

Featured Business Partner

I have recently made new friends over at SquarePlanet.  You have to check these guys out - they're in the explanation business.  We also share common passions - the color ORANGE and Pirate Culture (more on that later)!  Due in part to those mutual interests, I got together with their fearless captain and recorded a podcast (my first ever!) on the importance of CONTRAST take a listen here.  

Sales Beat

How to Use Positive Energy to Succeed - an excellent quick read.  One idea - Improve your mood by listening to good music.  When you're happy, others will gravitate to your good vibes.  In sales, that's pretty important, right?

My favorite definition of sales?  That it is a 
Transfer of Enthusiasm.  Football season always reminds me of this maxim - people getEXCITED about their teams.  Here is a throwback blog post that discusses my take on the idea and other ways to go about earning enthusiastic fans (aka clients)

What I'm Up To

Sales Empowerment Group - many of our clients are hiring sales people right now.  I'm currently searching for business development people in the manufacturing space and people that have experience in the design/build community.  If you know anyone that may be open to a conversation I appreciate any intros.  

Precision Payroll - the fourth quarter is the best time to evaluate payroll/HR service.  January 1st will come quickly and be sure that you have the best price, service, and product suite that fits your needs.  Should you or your clients be looking to take action & make a change, I'm here to help! 

Random Joy

On September 19th, a growing number of enthusiasts celebrated a holiday - International Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Yes - it's a thing.  When I met my wife she had been celebrating for a few years, having pirate-themed parties, complete with all sorts of piratey things.  So...Arrrrrr, happy belated Talk like a Pirate Day!  Ye best be celebratin' next year ya land-lubber!  

Classical music and rap - not exactly hand-in-hand genres.  Mac Lethal (a talented youtube sensation and Ellen guest) showcases his well-rounded skills and packs 26 pieces of sound advice for teenagers into this 1 minute, 30 second rap.  


While Summer rules in our city, Fall is a close second.  Here is a list of the best pumpkin patches in Chicagoland and another list of the remaining Fall festivals in the midwest (Lindsay and I will be road-tripping to Michigan in October for one of these fests and some fall colors).  


Sylvan Esso - this duo has been together only a short time, but they're already gaining national acclaim; locally they just played The Hideout Block Party.  I cannot stop listening to their music - I guess you'd consider them electronica, but don't let that deter you.  Listen to their first single,Coffee.  If you like that, check out HSKT (as in, Head-Shoulders-Knees-Toes.  It's become my daughter's favorite song to dance to). 


Believe those who are seeking the truth.  Doubt those who find it.  - Andre Gide (1869-1951) 

Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)  

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.  - Mae West (1892-1980)

Ability will never catch up with the demand for it. - Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990)

The first time I see a jogger smiling, I'll consider it. - Joan Rivers (1935-2014)

I hope you enjoyed the newsletter and found something of value for yourself or someone you know.  Again, I appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and introductions that so many of you have shared with me.  

Tony Lenhart | tony@salesempowermentgroup.com | 773.991.4236

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 2014 - Handling Stress, Email Tips, New Music, and Marleigh turns 1!

Good Morning, Happy Tuesday!

Ups & Downs, Strikes & Gutters...  I think that sums it up for August.  It's been almost impossible this month to watch/listen to the news, domestically and abroad, filled with war, disease, suffering, and loss. As always, life goes on and finds a way to strike a balance, sprinkling in happy distractions - Ice Bucket Challenges ($80M raised so far), Chicago Little League Champions, school preparation, and for me - Marleigh's first birthday (obligatory cake smash pic included; and No, it didn't fly by.  I enjoyed all 12 months)!  Here's hoping September brings more Ups & Strikes (including an extended summer).

I am lucky to interact with an eclectic group of people and businesses in my work.  This monthly digest reflects that diversity and the things I love - new sales & business ideas, music, Chicagoland happenings, and other things that get me in the groove.

I hope you find value, interest, and a laugh, as well as a quick breather from the driving force of your busy life.  I always appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and ideas  - as well as taking time to enjoy and share it.

Sales Best Practices

The "Published" LinkedIn posts are becoming more popular.  Some nail it, others fall way short of providing any value.  I just read one by best-selling author Bernard Marr, who basically gives us a book report of The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware.  He nailed it in this powerful post and it hit me like a 2x4.    
How do you react to stress?  Are you a "best under pressure" type of person, or do you get overwhelmed and go into shutdown mode?  This TED article looks at how stress can positively affect us.  

I was fortunate to guest blog for PointDrive this month: 10 Tips to Help You Nail Your Follow-up Emails Every Time.  

What I'm Up To

Sales Empowerment Group - with the economy continuing to show strong signs, I'm seeing many companies ramp up their hiring activity.  Sales people are the hardest hires - to find, to on-board, and to keep.  We are up to SIX FULL-TIME RECRUITERS that are 100% sales-focused.  We're helping companies find better sales people, quicker.

Precision Payroll - next month I am off to Portland, OR for the CPAmerica Leading Partners Retreat.  Precision has been the endorsed payroll provider for this international CPA association since 2008, providing dedicated account managers, incentive pricing, and a source of non-dues revenue.  Portland is one of my favorite towns; hope I have time for a hike or a food truck stop.  

Random Joy

As I said earlier, August has been rough.  I personally had one day where I lost a client, got a rather large unexpected bill in the mail, and Marleigh 'got sick' in her car-seat...   This commercial reminded me to keep a positive mental attitude.  And smile.  

There is an entertaining site called Fiverr where people will do random tasks for $5.  For example, this guy will draw you as a Simpsons character (or "yellow character" for copyright purposes).  For devotees this is pretty much a no-brainer.   


Here is a beautiful sunset picture of Chicago's skyline from the other side of the lake.  


Lollapalooza was a blast and I was lucky to hear some great new music.  Across the board genre-wise; New Orleans jazz, British Pop & Metal, Ukulele-infused rock, and disco funk.  Here are my favorite picks included in my first 'published' LinkedIn post -- 7 New Lolla Bands for your (Work) Soundtrack.     


We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.  Action always generates inspiration.  Inspiration seldom generates action.  - Frank Tibolt 

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it.  - Franklin P. Jones  

The only way to entertain some folks is to listen to them. - Kin Hubbard (1868-1930)

Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose. - Robin Williams (1951-2014)

I hope you enjoyed the newsletter and found something of value for yourself or someone you know.  Again, I appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and introductions that so many of you have shared with me.      

Tony Lenhart | tony@salesempowermentgroup.com | 773.991.4236

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 2014 - Hula-Hooping, Wrigley Pool, Legos, and Sales!

Good Morning, Happy Thursday!

I'm heading back this year - LOLLAPALOOZA.  It's been eight years since I've pulled off the three day run, but I'm goin' for it.  Even with the clear foresight that my body will be veryangry with me come Monday, it's worth it.  We'll be celebrating with my niece who just graduated, turned 18, and is off to Berklee College of Music in the fall!  Very proud of her and that I made her all those, (ahem...) superb mix CD's growing up...  Which did include Avett Brothers, who will be there Sunday night. \m/ 

I am fortunate to be out every day with an eclectic group of people and businesses.  This monthly digest reflects the things I've discovered lately - new sales ideas, music, Chicagoland happenings, and other things that get me in the groove.

I hope you find value, interest, and a laugh, as well as a quick breather from the driving force of your busy life.  I always appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and ideas  - as well as taking time out to enjoy it.

Featured Client

Bricks4Kidz - this is the franchise I wish I had started - playing with LEGO bricks ALL DAY!  These programs can thrive in our school systems and allow kids to unplug and play like we used to".  
You can contact Mike Hench in the Chicagoland area for after-school classes, summer camps, field trips, or birthday parties.  If anything, please share with your kids' schools for them to check out.  

Sales Best Practices

I'll never forget my high school communications teacher counting my "Um's" when it was my turn at the podium.  TICK...TICK...TICK.  I'd hear her check them off with disdain.  The lesson worked and it's now my equivalent of 'Nails on a Chalkboard' when I hear it.  Whatever the filler word may be, they weaken everything we say.  Here is a (5 minute) read on identifying them & the cure.  

You just had a solid meeting with a potential client and now you need to keep the momentum going.  Time for your 2nd impression - the follow-up email.  
Does yours look as good as they could?  Read these ideas to help earn another meeting and a third impression.  

What I'm Up To

Sales Empowerment Group - my favorite part of working with a client is identifying and then implementing new sales strategies, getting them to that revenue goal (that they've always wanted to hit).  I become their accountability partner, creating healthy habits and new opportunities.

Precision Payroll just wrapped up their 30th anniversary and yes, still with the first employee and first client in tact.  Our latest business partner helps companies with Online Risk & Safety Trainings.   This is great stuff for construction and manufacturing clients, as well as insurance agents to help any client with loss exposure.    

Random Joy

A few months back I wrote on the idea of being a Master at your Trade.  I love when I find people that have earned that distinction.  I've shown jugglers not too long ago, but now check out this hula-hooper going faster than I've ever seen (whichalso reminds me of one of my favorite movies, The Hudsucker Proxy - you know, for kids!)

Continuing with the theme of masters; their trade is "Fluid Dynamics".  And here, they teach us Scientific Tips for Peeing Like a Proper Gentleman.  Guys may not like all their main suggestion, but wives & mothers everywhere sure will.   


All this rain in Chicago has led to headaches for many, but some people make the best of it.  Like this (probably not sober) guy at Wrigley who went swimming in the bleachers - funny & classic.

Many are already mourning the loss of beloved Hot Doug's, who is closing up shop in October.  Especially those people who got free dogs for life by getting the logo tattoo.  Fear not Chicagoans.  Remember...you're in CHICAGO...  Here are 17 other quintessential meat establishments to get your fix.  


Sean Rowe - this guy got popular touring and doing house shows.  Yes, private performances in living rooms, decks, and patios across the country.  Finding inspiration from Otis Retting, he sings with an impressive baritone - here is my favorite song,Madman.  

The Family Crest - the trend of anthemic folk music continues with this joyous band out of San Francisco.  They have seven core classically-trained members and a rotating cast of hundreds of musicians from across the country.  If you're brave, you can actually join their roster.  Powerful stuff - I have no complaints.  


Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy. - Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men.  - Joseph Conrad (1857 - 1924)  

The petty economies of the rich are just as amazing as the silly extravagances of the poor. - William Feather (1908 - 1976)

Laws are like sausages.  It's better not to see them being made. - Otto von Bismarck (1815 - 1898)

Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy. - Janet Long

I hope you enjoyed the newsletter and found something of value for yourself or someone you know.  Again, I appreciate your recommendations, thoughts, and introductions that so many of you have shared with me.  Let me know if you're off to Lolla as well - we can meet up in the shade or right in front of a sound board; that's the best spot!     

Tony Lenhart | tony@salesempowermentgroup.com | 773.991.4236