Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Your 2nd Impression - the Follow-up Email. Don't Blow It.

You just had a solid meeting with a potential client and now you need to keep the momentum going.  Your next step will almost always include some sort of follow-up email within 48 hours - what does yours look like?

Email overload is all the rage right now.  Evidently we all are all getting buried in piles and piles of it.  Those new little indicators constantly making our phone or laptop ping or buzz with a shiny new present.  Your email needs to stand up and out among the onslaught.  So, lets pick a few things top to bottom to make sure that happens
First things first, your subject line.  Don't just say "Follow-up" or 'Thanks'.  Give them a teaser of exactly what's in it.  It may look something like this: 

***Kelly/Tony Follow-up - Proposal, Lawyer introduction, and that Band you mentioned!***

Now you have their attention by giving them a snapshot executive summary, it piques their curiosity, and includes something personal.  That last point is huge.  I always try to include something non-work related that was discussed - a book, a band, kids, hobbies, whatever.  I find that people (generally) welcome the happy distraction and it shows them you care. Period.  Also, I actually like using the  *** asterisk marks as it helps the subject line further stand out among all the others demanding their attention.  

Next, don't bombard your contact with numerous, sizable attachments.  I get super annoyed when my inbox gets clogged up and slowed down.  Avoid (if possible) ever sending anything larger than 1MB.  I hope that you asked good enough questions during your meeting to send them very targeted info.  If they need more they'll ask for it.  Plus, there are great tools out there now like PointDrive and Yesware - look into them.    

Use hyperlinks as well.  People love to click on those underlined blue words.  Highlight the word you want hyperlinked and hit 'Control+K' to insert the link (this works in Outlook and Gmail).  I'm always sending articles and youtube links for people to share, enjoy, and learn.                                                                                                                                                                 
Lastly, ask them a question that will trigger them to hit reply.  Don't say, "Follow-up at your convenience."  Here are a few that work for me...

  • Next Friday morning is open.  Does that work for you? 
  • What makes sense as the next step? 
  • What are your initial thoughts? 
  • I'll call you next Thursday to discuss.  Are you planning to be in that morning? 

I'll actually end the email with something along those lines.  No fluff, no closing salutation.  Ending with a question is a natural way to have a conversation and that's what you want.  

Hope those ideas help!  Please share more ideas in the comments; thanks and happy selling!  

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